Owned and Cared for by An Experienced Qualified
Registered Veterinary Nurse
Booking Enquires Email Sleepyburrows@outlook.com

Client review - Poonham said " I would strongly recommend Sleepyburrows. Bobby loves it here and knows his second home
Client Review - Candy Said
" Leaving your beloved pet with Jemma gives you peace of mind"
5/5 Star Reviews - Please see our FB Page
Client Review - Debbie Said
" Great Place, Thomas & Fudge came home clean and soft. Not sure who had a better holiday them or us !"
A very warm welcome to Sleepy Burrows. We offer a specialist small animal boarding service, cared
for by a Qualified Registered Veterinary Nurse.
Located near Romford conveniently within easy reach of the M25, A12 and A127.
We strongly believe that all pets should receive comfort, security and exercise at all times and we can offer specialised care for your pet whilst you are on holiday, moving house, recovering from illness, having guests to stay or many other reasons why you may not be able to give your beloved pet the care and attention that they deserve.
As a RVN I understand that some owners find giving routine medication difficult, here at Sleepy Burrows we can help! Just ask about our Healthcare Packages.
Mobile Veterinary Nurse services now available.