Owned and Cared for by An Experienced Qualified
Registered Veterinary Nurse
Booking Enquires Email Sleepyburrows@outlook.com
About Us
Hello. Here at Sleepy Burrows we offer a specialist small animal boarding service, cared for by a Qualified Registered Veterinary Nurse.
Located near Romford conveniently within easy reach of the M25, A12 and A127.
We strongly believe that all Pets should receive comfort, security and exercise at all times.
I have been nursing for 22 years and I am passionate about animal health care which of course includes the importance of housing, husbandry and enrichment for our Pets.
Whilst your Pet stays with us they will be treated as our own giving them as much comfort as we can provide.
Winter Topic
Keeping your Rabbits & Guineapigs warm over the winter
There has been a sudden change in temperature this week after having such a mild winter so far. It is important to protect them from the elements if they are outdoors. Here at Sleepy Burrows we have a heated cabin for the indoor pets and an outdoor outhouse which is kept at 10C for the Outdoor Boarders
Here are some Top tips to help you through the winter
Clean out daily - Ensure the bedding is dry and throw away wet/damp bedding
Dry Straw - Provide LOTS of dry straw for them to huddle in
Fleece Bedding - Fleece pouches are great for guineapigs
Protection - Protect the enclosure from the elements and insulate
Heat - Snugglesafes are a great way to help
Water Bottles Freeze - Check regularly and ensure the dripper is ice free
Friend - Provide a friend for your pet to cuddle and have companionship
Food - Provide extra food
Sudden temperature change can be dangerous do not be tempted to bring your outdoor pet straight into a heated house